Join NOw for this Month's classes
Join NOw for this Month's classes
Whether you are new to yoga or a continuing student, there is a class for you. New students will learn basic alignment of the poses and continuing students will begin to refine the poses.
"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured." - BKS Iyengar
The progression of classes is designed to bring a gradual activation of the body. With regular practice, you will notice improvements in your physical and mental health. The physical postures (asanas) taught in class work to maintain all systems of the body in good health; digestive, respiratory, circulatory, glandular, muscular, skeletal, excretory, reproductive, lymphatic, and nervous system. Wow! What other physical discipline can do that? And, it is available to ALL students. You don't need to be flexible to do yoga. Come experience, for yourself, the benefits that a yoga practice will give you.
People around the world have practiced yoga for thousands of years, and millions of Americans currently enjoy its health benefits. Yoga became popular in the West in large part through the teaching of B.K.S. Iyengar. His method of learning yoga is now the most widely practiced in the world.
Iyengar Yoga of Lexington
Mind Body Studio is located at 517 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 40503-1828 US